
teen years

A teen conversation
1: can you believe it
2: no she likes him but he likes that other girl who likes that other dude
who likes that girl who doesn't like anyone
1: yeah i know but anyways does this shirt make me look fat
2: no but do these jeans make me look fat
1: certainly not you look great
Teen years can be hard. Teens spend all their time worrying about stupid stuff. We worry about who likes who and if this shirt makes me fat. We worry about all this kind of stuff when really we should be caring about important stuff like grades and God. People worry about the next day when really we need to focus on the day that's happening now. If we worry about the next day nothing will get done. We will stress ourselves out. If we stress ourselves out we wont be able to focus on God and our quiet time. God doesn't care how we look to him we are beautiful and that's all that matters.
"Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself, each day has enough problems of its own"
-Matthew 6:34